Office: 201-836-6333
Rev Dr. Bessie Duncan will be presenting the first session of
SUNDAY, APRIL 14, 2024
After Service

It is for those over 65 years of age
The Discussion
Face to face we are going through our journey once we reach 65. We are not going to stop rising up to the challenges facing us now. We are graduating to another level. Jobs can change. Social security certainly does. We may be in another social bracket.
What about physical well-being? Some of us start for the first time to exercise or look for chair yoga classes. All new.
And yet it is our PRIME TIME. We have the finances. Can travel more. The kids are grown.
Now is the time to live our best lives. We are the most moving, involved wise age to choose what comes next.
But we have questions. Who do we ask about the best food for the 70 year old, best cruises, best medical teams, Walking help, sleep aids, and dare I add party Time.
Come and share your findings. We are the first to be in such a significant size group with great capacity to make our own decisions. Nothing need stop us now but ourselves. With God all is possible.
Let us get moving and see what it looks like, feels like and tastes like.
We have Experts about some of these issues among us and we may invite some in for a Chat.
Join me Sunday April 14, 2024 right after Service in Harmony Hall and on Zoom. Let’s get Your PRIME TIME acknowledged.
Love Offering Accepted.
“The Joy of the Lord is my Strength,” Nehemiah 8:10.
Rev. Dr. Bessie Duncan